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A big thank you from Country Singing Star John Michael Montgomery for his Outback puppy!

Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 8:54 AM
Subject: Cisco's first day with us in July.

Of course you can use it as a testimonial.  If anyone ever needs a referral, please have them contact me.  His coat is so shiny because he gets a Vitamin E gel cap with his food every day, PLUS, he gets to sleep with me on a soft, (very expensive) down comforter every night. (At least that's what Maureen says is the cause for the shiny coat)
I've enclosed 2 photos...one from the night we picked him up at the airport in Baltimore...the other, at our house with Blu...he sure has grown, hasn't he?
Maureen booked me a hunting trip in NJ, and it will be Cisco's first time hunting woodcock .  I can't wait to see him in action...if  you'd like, I'll send you some pics from our hunt.
One more thing.  I'm still working on my buddy, who wanted a dog.  He's going with me on this trip, so maybe when he sees what Cisco can do, it will help make up his mind.  Best to you all for the New Year.  Tom

Jayson Werth: Professional Baseball Player. Plays Right Field for the Washington Nationals. One the Best Right Fielders in Baseball.


July 2015

Kirby! Jayson Werth here, took Gunner hunting yesterday, he was a real "pro bowler". He's a stud! Just wanted to pass this picture along. What a dog, he is a family favorite and lives like a king. We treat him really good and love him a lot. He receives the best food n resides along 4 fenced in acres in northern Virginia that buts up to the Potomac river and great falls national park/forest. He runs it!! Can't thank you enough, my wife and my 2 boys and I just wasn't to say thanks, he's the best.

January 2013

In light of their birthday I was checking out your website and saw the photos of Atlas. Here are a couple pictures of his brother Otis....not sure what his name was before I got him but he was the runt and he is now about 42lbs. Just a little guy but makes up for it with speed and athleticism. he's the fastest dog around. We live in the mountains in Colorado and he sure does love his daily hikes and definitely looking forward to summer for the longer days. We don't hunt but the description you give of Atlas on your website could be given for Otis t
oo....housebreaking him was unbelievably easy. He's an awesome dog and I thought you might like an update so.....

Have a good day.
Dave Remington


February 2013
Hi Kirby - I purchased Belle from you last spring through my agent Dan Mar. We were looking for brood bitch potential, as well as a nice dog. Boy, did we ever get both!

Her first litter by my stud dog Duke is incredible, a significant increase from his prior litter, which was really good, by the way. Belle was great for a first time mom - all five pups were healthy and maintained that through weaning. She was good with people around the pups, too.

Her second litter by Duke is coming in late March, and I already have two paid deposits for pups, both buyers having seen Duke and Belle, plus two females at age five months.

Thanks for allowing me to get such a good dog, Kirby! You can still take me up on that "seller's special" Dan offered you for a pup!

The picture above is of a four-week old female "Sadie."
Take care - Jim Jorgensen

December 2012

Jim Riley here. Just short of two years ago I bought Jewell (AKA Marnie: Sire Triple Shots Royal Flush, Dam LB's Ohio Ain't That A Shame) from you. I want to report that she IS, indeed, a jewell! In the off season she gets to train three mornings per week and during the season we make two to four trips to the Midwest for pheasant and hunt quail a couple of days per week here in AZ. She is the perfect hunting companion and a great house pet as well.

It is a small world...two weeks ago I was hunting in Plainville with City Attorney Jerry Smetana and Judge Doug Bigge and they both knew you or knew of you. And just yesterday I was hunting here in AZ with Leon Davis who bought June, an English Setter, from you a year ago. She is still early in her training but is terrific!

Anyway, just wanted to give you an update from a very satisfied customer.

All the best and Happy New Year!
Jim Riley

February 2013

Hey Kirby,

Just thought I would drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoy the ep pup you sent me this fall. He is doing well, really like his genetics and his personality. I a attaching a pic I shot recently of him on a solid valley quail point.

Thanks, Joe Roy

December 2012


This is from last weekend's NATHA tournament, it was my first outing with TJ AKA Capital Creeks Roscoe, whom I purchased from you a couple of months back. I thought you would like to see how well he did. He is adjusting great to his new home and has been an absolute blast to hunt with. Looking forward to more competitions with him this year.


Aaron Moser

February 2013

Hi Kirby. This a few pics of Decker. Don’t be frowning on me because his tail isn’t 12:00. LOL! That’s my fault, it would be if I got in there and made him. He’s doing excellent. Hunting open fields or some pretty thick stuff, he’s finding the quail, holding his points, finding dead birds and brings them right to me. I haven’t hunted him with another dog yet but when I tell him to whoa, he stops. Decker and me found 3 small coveys this past Friday on Game Management land. We went back to my truck for a water break and some horse riders came through so I left, went into town, then went back, and guess what! I turned Decker back out and he immediately starting finding the singles. Even the ones that were buried up in thick brush. I tell you, his tongue or the side of his mouth even started bleeding because he was hunting so hard in the thick stuff. I let him down with my poor shooting quite a few times that day. He would start hunting dead and I’d have to call him off. It was a little funny because I felt like he’d look at me like he was saying, WHAT THE H - - -!!! I’m hunting my tail off and you can’t hit the
d - - - birds??? Had his shots updated and gave him his meds at the first of Feb. He’s going to be a great hunting dog/friend to me for many years to come. I’m really proud of him. Tell any potential buyers of yours that they can call or text me anytime with any questions. My new number is 864-934-7980. You can post anything about Decker you’d like on your web page if you need to.

Thanks again. Ronnie Owens

April 2013

Hi Kirby,
I just wanted to let you how much myself and my family love the dog I got from you a couple years ago. His name was Max and was a Bl&Wh shorthair. He is a hunters dreams with the way he finds birds. His nose is amazing and if you knock it down he will find it and bring it back. I just recently went on a hunt with him on new years eve and shot 18 roosters. I have a great picture I can send you if you have a cell phone. The snow here has slowed our hunting but Max will go through the snow no matter how deep. He has a none stop motor and his drive to hunt is like none other. What really makes him special is not what he does in the field, but what he does at home. He has a personality and is a member of the family. He runs loose around the farm and I never have to worry cause he will only leave the farm if he's with a family member. My kids can do anything with him and he keeps a close watch over them when they are outside. He still acts like a pup chasing sparrows and pigeons around the farm and barn swallows in the summer and of coarse he knows what cats he can make run. Never hurts them just wants to play all the time. He comes in the house from time to time and you never know he is in there cause he is so good. No dog is perfect but, In our eyes Max is - never dreamed I could find a dog like him!!!!!

Thanks so much, Ron Kelm (Markesan,Wisconsin)

P.S. I have shot over a 100 birds a season over him since his arrival

April 2013


Tbone is doing great. Thanks again.



Dear Mr. Rust,

Bang is doing great up here in Alaska! This past weekend we went on a trip for 3 days and he got 21 open water retrieves with no problems at all... He is absolutely the exact waterdog I was looking for... He even retrieved 4 Greater Canada Geese directly to the hand that were 13 lbs a piece... Thank you so much for your great communication.. Our transaction between Kansas and Alaska went incredibly smooth and I would highly recommend you to any of my friends for future purchases! Here are some pics of Bang and I with some of our success so far this season.. Enjoy!!


Rowdy Dowdy


Wanted to say thank you for the wonderful pointer we purchased from you. He has mastered here by voice, hand, and whistle. He is 99 percent on whoa and 99 percent on heal. We love him to death and will be looking for a female white and black in spring so we can breed in a couple years.

Have a great new year!


----- We just wanted to let you know how well Jeb is adjusting to us and being an inside dog. He has become an active part of our family. He gets to go with us everywhere. And he as been duck hunting this past week. We ALL are having lots of fun. Just wanted to send you this shot. Alan took him this morning and killed 28 over him. He retrieved all but three....and they were because they fell right infront of him.

Thanks again,



Hi Kirby,

Thought I'd write a short note to say Hi, and let you know how Cheech is doing. I've attached some photo's from some of our training sessions along with some hunt photo's taken during his first Pheasant season. (It was also the 1st hunt for the kids shown in some of the photo's. Youth Hunt Day [11/01/08] here in NJ and together with Cheech, all had a great day.)

I thought the wily birds might be too much for him being so young, but I was wrong. My other Pointer Barb was a great teacher, and Cheech was an eager learner. Anyway, we managed and Cheech did a great job. He just kept getting better and better as the season progressed.

I've made contact with a local chapter of the American Field and have made plans to get Cheech started in Walking Trials. Hopefully we will find some Shoot trials for him as well. Several friends have experience on the trial circuit and have been advising me as to all that will be required of him. I will be starting the "Master" level (steady to Wing & Shot) of his training beginning this March or April. I think he's now ready, but will have to assess (or re-assess) as we go.

A top trainer of pointing dogs by the name of Dom Preite has agreed to work with me in his training by helping to train me, so that I will be better at teaching Cheech. He will also act as an impartial judge as we proceed. I only wish you could see him. He's everything I hoped for. He's turned out to be a great little guy, except for his thinking my arm chair was really meant for him, and perhaps I would be more comfortable on the floor. Will let you know how he does. I really want him for my hunting partner, and will not sacrifice those natural abilities and desires to please which keep him close, to make a Field Trialer out of him. But, he's so good at running the hedge rows and covering ground (if given the OK) that he deserves a chance. He'll get that.

Best Regards to you and yours,

Joe Scillieri

Kirby, buying a dog over the internet is a scary proposition. But I have to say that this purchase of a 25 lb Brittany named TY was one of the best choices I have ever made. (With your Guidance of course) He is faster than lightening, (my brother has nicknamed him ricochet rabbit) his nose is fantastic and he retrieves as well as my Black Labrador. You had mentioned that he was poor on retrieving when I bought him. And you were right in the beginning. But after the 1st 2 weekends afield he was tired of letting the labs take the glory.

After 2 months and some 200 plus birds shot over him, he has really come into his own. I have several guys at the club asking where I got him and how to get in touch with you. Customers are on the way.

You never promised me he was house trained,, so I still have that hurdle to jump. (I have to get this done, buying my wife flowers for each accident is getting expensive) But as smart as he is I feel it will not take long. I will attach 2 pictures of the little guy for you to post on your testimonials. 1st while he is on point. (He will hold forever, and by the way he does honor the other dog’s point – which you were not sure of at the time) The 2nd picture was taken when I have had the lab sit and let Ty take the sole honor of the retrieve. So here is a 25 lb Brittany retrieving a 5 lb Rooster that is still alive and kicking.

One more important point for your testimonials. I am not a 19 year old 1st time dog buyer. I am 59 and have owned quite a few dogs for hunting and companionship. They have all been great buddies and given me great memories. However, this little guy is at or near the top of the list already.

Thanks for your honest evaluation of TY and your recommendation for what I was looking for. (Next time I’ll add House trained to the list of prerequisites)

When I’m ready for another – You will be the first to get a call.


Hi Kirby,

Kansas is doing great! He has such a wonderful temperament and his personality can't be beat! I love him very much! He's coming along very nicely too with his field work and obedience training. He acquired his Canine Good Citizen Test (CGC) and also passed the Therapy Dog International Testing (TDI). Attached are a couple of photos that I took last weekend. Pictured with Gypsy. He also passed his eye clearances. CERF = normal.

Best regards,

Keystone Gun Dogs

Hunting Dog
I'm sending a couple of pictures that are representative of the hunting season I've enjoyed with my GSP I purchased from you. You called her Gabby, but we renamed her Maggie.

This fall/winter, we've hunted Sharptail grouse and pheasants in Idaho, pheasants in South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri and pheasants and quail last week in the panhandle of Oklahoma.

She quickly assimilated into our family and she is a sweetheart in the house and around the family but is a real hot bird dog in the field. Even though she's only about 20 months old, I never hunted with a dog this season (professional guide-owned or otherwise) that out-hunted Maggie. She always made more points and retrieved more birds than the other dogs. Although expensive, she's been worth the price and then some and her best years are still ahead (although it's hard to imagine she'll get any better).




The picture on the right is from our first day of hunting in South Dakota and we had enough guys to justify the number of birds in the picture (it took less than 2 hours to hit our limit).

Hunting Dog

Hunting Dog Kirby,

I thought that you might want to get a little progress report on  Gunner and Dot. They have adapted pretty well to southern living. My son, John really took to working with the dogs, and we had a pretty good season after we got back last fall. While we have to mostly do release birds, we did get them into a few wild coveys as well. We are working on habitat really hard and hope to develop an early release program on some of our property by next year. We are getting more wild birds but they have a lot going against them, predators especially.

Dot and Gunner both worked real well for us. Gunner is a trip. He will chase a tennis ball for hours if you will throw it for him. She is the most athletic dog that I have ever had. Scared Kathy to death the first time she jumped through the window into the barn room. My son John wants to breed her to a pit bull to make speedy bay dogs for hog hunting. That's a popular cross down here for hog hunting because the dogs don't foot trail or bark on trail. Kathy won't hear of it. She thinks that it would be like marrying your daughter off to some ill-bred red neck.

Anyway, I hope that the bird dog market is going well and that you have a good hunting season. We are thoroughly enjoying Gunner and Dot and hope to see you again sometime.

Best regards,
Tom Mastin, FL

Hunting Dog
Hunting Dog

Kirby, just wanted to check in after Lacey has been with us for a year. Now 4 years old this German Short hair is just wonderful. She came to us as a hunting machine and has continued that with hundreds of pheasants and quail shot over her. Great points, retrieves and responsive to whatever is needed. She is a favorite when visiting the preserve or hunting with friends.

She is also (as promised) a wonderful dog in our home. She loves our two little dogs. She is loyal and loves to be petted and loved on by kids/grand kids. Everyone loves Lacey. She travels great. Listens, heels, sits, walks on and off lead. And, when you turn her loose in the field she is a bird-finding machine. She finds them all, alive and shot birds in heavy cover.

Just wanted you to know she is better than I could have hoped for.


Hunting Dog HI,

I thought you might want some photos of Ginger. She is a wonderful dog, we all love her. One photo is her on my husbands lap and in her favorite chair. She loves sleeping in that chair. Another photo is her lying on my sons bed. another one is her hunting with my husband and the last is her new companion, the white lab, Will. Will and Ginger get along great, they play all the time with each other. Ginger is the alpha dog without a doubt. She hunts great. My husband took her out a few days ago with some friends and she found 9 of the 10 birds. She was surprised when she got her first pheasant that trip.

She's a great dog. Use us as a reference if you ever need one for someone else buying over the internet.

Pat Cunningham-Wong
Hunting Dog

Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 2:37 PM
To: Customer Service
Subject: Testimonial

Saying Thanks to Lee Pace
Lee Pace, HollyWood California, Leading Actor in "PUSHING UP DAISY'S" on National TV. Lee Pace will be seen with Spur White and Orange English Pointer he Purchased From (Outback Kennel) in Mens Vogue in Late April of 2008 Issue. Thanks Lee

Hunting Dog Kirby,

I thought you'd like to know how Dixie is doing - she's a house dog when she's living with me - has a dog door to the sun room and a kids pool and large wooded back yard. Has her own toy box.
I keep her at a hunting preserve during season (Nov - Mar) and when I'm not hunting her they work her with there customers all week.
Hunted her in OK last year for about three weeks and will go back there and KS this year.
I sent her to ND with Jason Williams - a trainer from AL for 4 months this summer.
Attached some pictures - she always amazes everyone as she will retrieve and stop and go back on point if she smells or sees more birds.
Photo is in my backyard (her pool) and backing while retrieving in Oklahoma.
Bert Henderson

Hunting Dog

Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: Notes on Noble
Noble Hunting DogKirby...just a brief note to keep you posted on Noble's progress.  He has now gotten his 150th bird and is doing well.  As I said in the last note this summer we will get serious with his retrieving.  It has been unusually warm this time of year and I can't recall ever hunting in shhort sleeves in Jan. and Feb.  Noble has a large group of 10 people to work for this coming Friday.  This is a little large for my liking but will  give him a chance to show off.  All my clients love him.  Here he is on number 150.
As you can see, the cover is pretty heavy but he has learned to really bust through it.


Jake Hunting DogHello Kirby
This is Wesley Randles from Moscow Kansas, I bought a dog from you last November and wanted to send this picture to you. His name is Jake and he is going to be the best dog I ever had. He is on point on quail in the picture.
Anyway many thanks for the great dog and am hoping to get another one next year. Is there a certain time of year that would be better to pick out one?  Keep me in mind as I trust your opinion.
You never came out hunting so you are still welcome any time and hope to take you some time.
Thanks again

Libby Hunting DogDear Kirby

Seldom in this life are things as good as you anticipate.   
"""except for libby"

Just a not to let you know she has fit in very well to her new surroundings. Her obedience training is extremely good . She's as well, if not better behaved than my 8 yr old male. As you claimed she is an excellent retriever. 

In short she's been a real sweetheart. Tim Stein.


Sadie Black & White German Shorthair Hunting DogKirby,

Just thought you might like to see a few pictures of Sadie (Black and White German Shorthair) on her latest hunt. We took her to Nebraska in march and brought back 63 birds. She is an awesome dog. We wouldn't mind coming out your way next year and do some hunting. This was my oldest boys first out of state hunting trip. He is hooked. Sadie did her first water retrieve last week. She loves the water. I would like to get a male, Black and white from a different bloodline this fall. Talk to you soon. Chris Eder


Hunting DogHere are some pics of the chukar hunt. I have moved back to Nevada. We ended up with 32 birds out of the three of us. The pup is great this was his first trip at 7 1/2 months and he had 9 retrieves and 4 good points. He works very close and listens great. He is a little tired we had a total of 14 hours hunting this weekend and going for quail on Thursday and chukar again this weekend. He will be hunted every weekend until Jan 31rst so he should be a pretty seasoned bird dog by next year. Also minimal work in training him he was very easy. I'm going to find someone that will go and take pictures most my buddies have to hold a gun, but I will get you some good pics of him on point. I will probably be looking at another pup in 2006 so I can hunt 2 dogs. Take care and thanks a lot,

Hunting DogHey Kirby.
He hunts dead very well, I just have to tickle him slightly with the collar once and a while and he does great. He does even better the more I praise him. He has also learned that when the beeper collar goes off on my other dog that there are birds and stops to honor. He was honoring at one point from over 75 yds. away and held until shots were fired. He is a really nice dog and is just going to get better. I thought you mingh like to see the pictures I got of him this weekend on our hunting trip. I am very happy with him.
 Thanks again.
David Cantrell


Hunting DogHello Kirby,

Thought you would like to see a pic of the dogs after they got to Texas. Thank you very much. 
Sadie on Point, Radar and A.J. Honoring. 

Corky Redden

Hunting DogKirby,

 Thought you might like to see a few pictures of Jayco's first day in the field with me.  We went out this morning and he made 5 solid points, and two super retrieves. He's adapted to his new home well, and seems really happy!  I too, am happy!! He's going to work out great, and be a good companion and hunting dog!!
Joe Rector

Hunting DogKirby,   
Once again, I would like to thank you for all of your help, and to tell you that it is greatly appreciated among the members of our family. The puppy is so laid back and great around the house that half of the time you wouldn't know he's around. I'm sure he will make a fine hunting dog with the way he watches the birds and the butterflies in the yard. He's also quite charming with his great personality and good looks, and very intelligent. He picks things up quick and will be easy to train. I have attached some photos of him laying around the house in his "laid back" mood for you. I will be sure to recommend you to anyone who is interested in purchasing a new bird dog. Thanks again, we'll keep in touch.
-Best regards,
-Rob Peterson

Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: HI KIRBY

Hunting DogHI KIRBY

Hunting DogSent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:06 AM
Subject: Babe & the puppy


Here is a photo from a few minutes ago with the dogs. They are doing just fine. As you can see they have made a home in my office. I will send out the check in the morning and will email you the tracking so you can follow it along the way. It will be going overnight mail again. Once again, thanks for everything. I am sure I will be talking to you soon.

Thanks James

Hunting DogsKirby:

I had to send you a quick note about Rowdy…..
If you don't remember, I have a lab (Jezzy) that has been my pride and joy. 
Last weekend, I took her to a field trial where shooting quail was part of the competition. 
I also took Rowdy along on the trip because I haven't had the opportunity to 
work with him on birds as of yet and was hoping to get the chance to do so. 
Before the competition started, Rowdy was running and playing with all of the retrievers. 
He, like them, enjoys the water a great deal. So, he was jumping in the ponds just like the labs.

While he was not as graceful of a swimmer as the labs, he sure beat them for endurance (it was pretty hot). 
Anyway, up until this last weekend, I had not had the chance to see his pointing ability. When the shoot 
was over, I went to let Rowdy out of the kennel, and after running loose for about 30 seconds, he bee-lined 
it for the weeds in this picture and made sure everyone at the field trial new that someone had missed when 
shooting at the quail. He stood frozen for almost 5 minutes while everyone at the shoot started watching him
and gathered around and talked about his point. 

Finally, one of the guys at the shoot sent his big chocolate lab into the weeds to get the quail. 
As the weeds were pretty thick and prickly, the dog did not come out with it….It was only then that Rowdy got
tired of all of these amateur dogs and reached in the weeds and pulled it out.I was very impressed with his 
performance and am happy that one of the guys at the field trial had a camera so that I have a picture of Rowdy's
first point for me. I then brought some of the extra quail home and took Rowdy out work a little on them and he
did excellent. The only problem that developed is my disappointment that hunting season is still so far off.
Thanks for the advice in selecting my dog……You did very well by me.
Ken Staton


Hunting Dog Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 5:34 PM\
Subject: Update on Bonnie
Hi Kirby,
Bonnie's yard training and "bonding" has progressed well. She's a very sensible and loving dog.
Today we started her field training on pigeons. Exceeded my expectations.
 She has a good nose, is staunch on point, and retrieved every bird. Next week will work her on Chukars at a game preserve.
Am attaching some pictures. Thought you might be interested.
She's going to be a good one! Thanks.
 Best regards,
 Fred Simpson
Hunting Dog

Hunting DogsJust thought you would like to see my best buddies, Max and Kansas. They are wonderful dogs and I'm so glad I bought them both. They are the best looking dogs in all of Massachusetts!! Thank you very much! Julie and Mike Fiore

Hunting Dog Kirby,
Merry Christmas to you as well and all the best for the New Year. I'll be on the lookout for the papers and will take you up on your offer as questions come up. I've attached some pictures for you and while my
photography skills are lacking, you can see the family is thrilled to have him and he's already gone from hiding in his crate to sleeping on the floor
in the family room when he's not running around in the yard.


Hunting Dog

Hunting DogHi Kirby,  just wanted to drop you a note to let you know what a great dog Macey turned out to be. I swear she just intinctively knew exactly what to do with running patterns and finding grouse. Smart dog that really wants to please....  great nose too. I have already killed four grouse over her with my falcon. Attached is a picture of a boomer sage grouse I just caught today over her with my falcon. I am very pleased and just wanted to thank you for getting me such a nice pointer. Hope all is well with you and have a great season.

Scott Baker


Montazzoli's Thunder Sport

Feburary 24, 2005

Dear Kirby:

Let me tell you how happy I am with Sport. He was everything you said he would be and more. Sport holds points forever and his nose is amazing. All y hunting buddies are extremely jealous of my fathr and I. Last week he plowed in to a fast moving stream after a chucker my dad shot and retrieved to hand. Thank you. You will always have 2 Friends in New Jersey Sincerely Giuliano DiNizo & Nick Di Nizo

Dozer Hunting DogKirby: I want to thank you and tell you about Dozer. My son and I picked him up in early August and have been happy ever since. Dozer is a wonderful dog. He is so good natured and just loves to hunt. He wants to please us all the time. He does a great job finding birds.
Last year while quail hunting, we killed seven birds from one covey. We found ZERO! The past two years we have had rain and the weeds are at least 6 feet tall and extremely thick. I decided I didn't want to lose so many birds so I started looking for a hunting retreiver. Dozer is certainly the one. During dove season, my son had Dozer where he was huntin and I was about a mile away. I lost 4 of the first 6 birds I shot. I got Dozer and didn't lose another bird all day. During the 11 days I hunted dove, I only lost 1 bird with Dozer hunting with me. He is a wonderful dog, and I am looking forward to duck and quail hunting with him. 
I now recommend to everyone they call Outback Kennels for hunting dogs. Thank you for Dozer! I am attaching a picture with Dozer and a dove.
Larry Brock


Hunting DogSent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:21 PM
Subject: our girl Bonnie

Wanted you to know that we just returned from our first AKC field trail. Bonnie won 2nd place in the puppy class (10 dogs). We had her entered in the derby and puppy classes, but she came in season again and couldn't run in the derby. We were so pleased. Next we'll try in a NSTRA event. Mainly seeing which of the competitions we like. As I think Bonnie likes them all. I don't know for sure what the dog did to receive 1st place? as for Bonnie she pointed and retrieved 2 birds in less than 15 mins. Also there was no shooting in the open puppy, Fred flushed the birds and she chased then caught them and retrieved them. Also, I really think she was the best looking dog there. She is so pretty and just such a nice dog, we love her very much and I hope you know what a good home your pup came to. She is a great dog.
Rita and Fred Simpson

I just wanted you to know what a wonderful dog Dutchess has been. I have to be honest with you.....we were a little worried about buying her from you over the net....but she came into our family and fit right in. At the moment Dutchess and Nick are in training together and you should see them hunt together! Wow!!!!! Thank you for being patient with us during our search for the "perfect" dog; one that would fit with our family( in the house), get along with our other dogs, and get out there and hunt like she does.. Thank you and I will send you pictures soon of them hunting in the field. 
Pam Pawelek


Hi Kirby,
Attached is a new pic of Kansas. He's doing great! Loves the water! Swam out in the river right along Briar too. Went pretty far. Whistled them back and came right away. He loves to retrieve! I "play" retrieve with him in the living room for a few minutes every other day and he loves it! When I take him outside he retrieves just as nice. Even in the water. Had him out in the field a couple of times to walk him in on some quail. He's doing very well. Not afraid of the blank pistol. I shoot it at a distance while he has his nose into the birds. It'll be fun when he starts to scent point. He's easy to work with. I'm not letting him chase the birds. Don't want to start letting him do a habit that I will then want to stop. He's very sweet and loving. He's a good little boy! I have him signed up for beginner obedience class starting next week.
Best regards,


© 2001- 2017 Outback Kennels - Kirby Rust, Owner/Trainer - 520 N Main, Kensington, KS 66951
Phone: 785-476-5555 cell -  Email:  kbrust@ruraltel.net
Website Design by PCS